| Scientific ProgramMonday Morning Bus leaves Munich airport at 10:30am, with a stop at Ismaning, arrives for lunch at Ringberg at 12:30. Monday Afternoon: Introduction+magnetospheric accretion (chair: Tim Harries) 1:50-3:00: Antonella Natta (invited) Introduction+discussion 3:00-3:30: Jerome Bouvier: Magnetospheric accretion in classical T Tauri stars 3:30-4:00: Coffee: 4:00-4:30: Chris Johns-Krull (invited): 4:30-5:00: Scott Gregory: The star-disk interaction as a function of spectral type 5:00-5:20: 1-minute poster round, part I 5:10-6:00: Buffer/Discussion 6:30: Dinner Tuesday Morning: Funnel flows and inner disks (chair: Chris Johns-Krull) 9:00-9:20 Ryuichi Kurosawa: Line Profile Models of H and He from Inner Wind and Accretion Funnels of CTTSs 9:20-10:40 Silvia Alencar: The inner disk structure of young stellar systems in NGC 2264 9:40-10:10 Stefan Kraus: Resolving the gas distribution/kinematics in the accretion & outflow-launching region of YSOs 10:10-10:30 John Monnier: Imaging the star-disk connection with long-baseline interferometry 10:30-11:00 Coffee 11:00-11:20 Myriam Benisty: The 2008 outburst in the young stellar system Z CMa 11:20-12:30 Buffer discussion 12:30-1:50 Lunch Tuesday Afternoon: Disks (chair: Mario van den Ancker) 1:50-2:30 Kees Dullemond, Invited 2:30-2:50 Catherine Espaillat: Exploring the Dust-Gas Connection in Transitional Disks 2:50-3:10 Barbara Ercolano: Protoplanetary disc evolution/dispersal: Models versus observations 3:10-3:30 1-minute poster round, part II 3:30-4:30 Coffee+Posters 4:30-6:00 Panel Discussion: inner disk/funnel flows Wednesday Morning: MRI in Disks (chair: Sebastien Fromang) 9:00-9:40 Geoffroy Lesur: Invited 9:40-9:55 Eugene Chiang: Surface Layer Accretion by the MRI: The Threat of Ambipolar Diffusion 9:55-10:10 Xuening Bai: Non-ideal MHD Effects in Protoplanetary Disks 10:10-10:25 Neal Turner: Heating and Cooling Protostellar Disks 10:25-10:55 Coffee 10:55-11:10 Hubert Klahr: Patchwork turbulence in disks: interplay of magnetic, baroclinic and self gravitional instabilities 11:10-11:25 Meredith Hughes: Observational Constraints on Accretion Processes from mm Interferometry 11:25-12:45 Buffer/discussion 12:45 LUNCH Wednesday Afternoon: FREE Thursday Morning: Accretion-Outflow Connection (chair: Catherine Dougados) 9:00-9:20 Claudio Zanni: MHD models of accretion/ejection phenomena in Young Stellar Objects 9:20-9:40 Raquel Salmeron: Magnetocentrifugal jets and accretion in weakly-ionized protostellar disks 9:40-10:00 Marina Romanova: Global Simulations of Accretion and Outflows in Young Stars 10:00-10:40 Sylvie Cabrit, Invited 10:40-11:00 Coffee 11:00-12:30 Panel Discussion: outflows Thursday Afternoon: Measuring Accretion (chair: Jerome Bouvier) 2:00-2:40 Nuria Calvet, Invited 2:40-3:00 Leonardo Testi: Photometric and spectroscopic surveys of accretion in VLMS and BDs in nearby SF regions. 3:00-3:15 Elisabetta Rigliaco: Comparison between different mass accretion rate diagnostics in the sigma Orionis region 3:15-3:30 Sean Brittain: Measuring the Accretion rate of Herbig Ae/Be stars 3:30-4:00 Coffee 4:00-4:15 Aurora Sicilia-Aguilar: Accretion in evolved and transitional disks 4:15-4:30 Richard Alexander: The accretion histories of T Tauri stars 4:30-6:00 Buffer/Discussion Friday Morning: Outbursts and Accretion (chair: Aurora Sicilia-Aguilar) 9:00-9:35 Peter Abraham, Invited 9:35-9:50 Agnes Kospal, Accretion-related variability in the inner disks of highly accreting young stellar objects 9:50-10:05 Harold Yorke: The Evolution of Intermittently Accreting (Proto-)Stars 10:05-10:20 Eduard Vorobyov: The burst mode of accretion and its impact on the early evolution of (sub-)solar-mass stars 10:20-10:35 Mike Dunham: Mass Accretion in the Embedded Phase of Low-Mass Star Formation 10:35-11:00 Coffee 11:00-11:30 Buffer/Discussion 11:45-12:30 END OF WORKSHOP DISCUSSION: led by Thomas Henning 12:30-1:45 Lunch Bus will leave Ringberg around 1:30 and arrive back in Munich around 4:00 on Friday afternoon. Please keep in mind that poor weather may delay the arrival. last modified: 27 Jul 2020 |